Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Praise the Lord oh my Soul

As I sit amongst the trees
which cry out
and upon the grass
which fades and withers like I
something deep within me crys
Bless the Lord
all that is within me
praise his holy name
every root and fiber
every last ounce of my being
Bless his name
he has renewed me
he has caused me to stand
he has made me soar on wings like eagles
he knows my frame
he knows where i have been
he remembers the pit
which he met me in and carried me from
he understands the parts of me that I try to hide
naked i came and naked i will go
his knowledge and depth
are a beauty which causes me to bless him
to bless the Lord all my deepest parts
may my heart be constantly full of praise
if all is lost, burned, and destroyed
may this never depart me
may this longing never run dry
may this desire never be quenched by another
may I never lose sight of him
him who has saved me and caused me to be found in him
In him, by Him, and through him
Bless the Lord all that is within me
Praise his holy name
Bless the Lord

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A woman of the city
came to the house where Jesus was eating
she was a sinner
known as this
full of desperation and fear
she cleansed his feet with tears
anointed his feet with ointment
not worthy of touching his head
she wiped his feet clean with her hair and kissed them
God is near to the broken hearted
she disrupted the religious to be with him
in response to this woman
who was dirty, unworthy and a sinner
he gazed upon her
He acknowledged her touch, kiss, anointing, and presence
I see you
you've done a lot of wrong
but your heart knows
I see all of you
you sins, all of them, have been forgiven
go in peace