Friday, January 25, 2008


it seemed to happen as i was sitting there
her tears quickly replaced her words
every tear that fell echoed on the hallow earth
she is tired, frustrated, and without hope
she gave up everything for this life
this life and relationship that she thought would be different
it was all at once that her heart and her wounds were exposed
it was broken before me the pain was bare
unable to pretend the wounds were not there
i desired to speak and make it well
silence fell upon me
but what my heart felt is unspeakable
i saw her preciousness, her woundedness
her desire for hope
her questions wondering if life would ever be different
the pieces of her heart said it all
i found silence
knowing my words and offerings would not do
thinking of the restoration that she hopes for

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Thanks for the b-day gifts! The bag is sweet! Actually, I was looking at bags just like that to get you for Christmas. I love your writing- I guess I've gone more of the pictorial route for my blog, but you're really spitting out the words my friend. I'm so thankful for the work Jesus is doing in you heart, and for the ways in which he's using you to reach your friends in SF. Miss you much- wish I could hop on a plane and visit you today. I love you!

Your friend from the other side of the "Atlantic",