Monday, March 10, 2008


if tears were pearls i would lack
yet on that day i would be greatly adorned
if my tears had words what would they say?
would they express all that i wish
or expose the hurt that runs deep in my soul?
frustrated at my lack of total persuasion
i weep
desiring to know and believe without a moments lapse
i weep with eyes looking into mine bearing my pain
love abounds
in the darkest moments when hurt is all i feel
love abounds
when i remember the way it felt once
love abounds
i know, i trust, i forget, yet you remain
frustrated perhaps by a need that will always exist
everyday there is an offer, to come to this place
when these things connect tears form
crying out in a way that is deep and raw
you surround me in this place
expressing my heart in a way that only tears can
i weep
but your love always abounds

(a poem about the place i feel like God is bringing me through.  a place that is uncomfortable and challenges much of me and what i know, but desiring to engage this place to grow in my understanding of his unfailing love.  Praise Jesus for his continual grace in my life.  His patience in my small scope of understanding and his desire to bring me past this and into a place of restoration and deeper understanding.  A place where I can know his love more and live resting in this understanding.)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Have I told you recently how much I miss you? Love you much,