Tuesday, September 25, 2007

First day in San Francisco. . .

Well i made it. I cannot believe that I am here and I am feeling a huge array of emotions. I was nervous yesterday when I arrived but was greeted and accepted very warmly into this new community that will be my home. Today I got to see the city a bit and enjoy time with my roommate. Tomorrow we start 6 days of orientation which will be nice to get a better feel for things. Then when we are done with that we will have more orientation with our team in in the Haight Ashbury. So in time I will adjust and I am really trying to trust God and know that his faithfulness is steadfast. Which will be something that I know God will continue to teach me and provide grace for me in. Even when life is new and things are totally out of what I know. I am excited however to join in on what God is doing in the lives of people here in the city and be a part of the Outer Circle Team.