Tuesday, December 2, 2008


invisible prisoner
he came to set captives free
free from bars that may go unseen
bars that are true for all 
they are strong
and hold undefinable things inside of me
bars that go unseen
yet weigh on the heart 
Christ came to set us free
the hope of freedom one day
what about now
the making new
setting free
working through his Spirit
the active present tenses
now i must believe
he has destroyed these bars
I'm in them
not remembering
or believing this 
help me Jesus
the gate is open
I only see bars
change my heart
I'm no longer a captive
to this mind

Thursday, October 9, 2008

in me

its my hearts process of birth
there has been this idea of me
being grown and nurtured
and has been formed in me
i'm ready for this to be met
i'm ready for people to meet
this thing that is real
which can define itself
that has been forming
and greatly contributing to me
i denied its existence
yet its crowning with hope
please don't be misunderstood
help me be me
you've been formed
beautifully and uniquely
you've known this part of me
thank you for caring for this neglected place
thank you for preserving 
that which i forgot 
and tried to kill off
you are the giver of true life
birth in me that which is true
and continue this process
i wait in expectation

Sunday, September 28, 2008

the other side of the world

out the window
rests lush plants and life
you feel this place all over
its quiet and sticky
yet their are many lives
nobody is known
they bow and look down
education is the cure all
pride and respect maintained
a whole different world exists
that inside of a person
their likes and dislikes
their joys and pain
their dreams and sorrows
but pride and tradition
maintain and preserve order 
when hearts are woken
and questions raised
maintain what is
it is you who can
and who will
wake us from our sleep
all cannot be maintained
when our hearts
are revealed
when we are exposed
and the inside is seen
you maintain
you bring new order
and a new way of life

Monday, June 30, 2008


as we sit amongst the grass
that brings life to this earth
as we connect on the concrete
that has been a place
a stop on the journey
for so many
you see
is it in the gentleness of a voice
or the abruptness of laughter
the touch in your present state
or simply in our eyes
or is it spelled all over my face
he is more able then I
I because of him
pieces of me
despite these you see him
do you know what you see?
him who is able and greater
he reveals himself in our frames 
see him not me
he alone is good

Friday, June 13, 2008


Come, behold the works of the Lord, how he 
has brought desolations on the earth. 
He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters the spears;
he burns the chariots with fire.
"Be still, and know that I am God.  
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!"
The Lord of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Psalm 46:8-11
reflections. . . 
 be still my child. . . still as a sleeping baby. . . a tree untouched by the wind. . . 
be still as the distractions melt away. . . as the tensions of the mind find ease. . . 
Is it easier to know when I am still?

Stillness reflects a posture of humility- being still with open hands as releasing all things to him who is able and trustworthy. Recognizing that he is God. He will be exalted among the nations and in the earth.  It is God who moves and allows us to rest and be still in him. 

Does stillness bring perspective?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

people leave
their on a journey
they stop for whatever
and my heart grows fond
i forget they leave
it is ok to be sad
in my grief
i'm reminded
some plant
some water
and God grows
they leave
i'm sad
i miss them when they are gone

Sunday, May 11, 2008

man made
that which never was
brings sadness
i made it what i wanted
and it left me sad
the perceived world 
leaves one end
desperate for what i wanted
left sad by the way things are
show me what is real
as to spare this sadness
over things i wished were
bring to light
that which is real
and far beyond what i perceive

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

a picture

as a little girl i shiver
arms wrapped tightly around my legs
tears flooding my eyes as i lay my head down
the light breaks forth
am i seeing things?
i've tried to make this happen before
i've tried to light the way out of this place
exhausted by my efforts to keep the flame going
i retract, sit, cry, and wait
thinking that hope is gone
the darkness is thick and heavy
the ray of light seems small
can i trust it?
will it lead out of this place?
what will happen?
will it hurt?
will it be better?
does hope exist in this light?
oddly comforted by the darkness i remain
faintly remembering the promises of light
step out and risk the goodness of the light
to be released into light
to break free of this dark place
which entangles gently
the tangles unknown will be exposed through light
i've seen the goodness
but i don't trust it now
i slowly get up
stiffened by time and deeply effected by this place
i crawl towards the hope of light
will it remain?
exhausted i come 
in need of much
guide and release me from this place
even when i don't trust

Monday, March 10, 2008


if tears were pearls i would lack
yet on that day i would be greatly adorned
if my tears had words what would they say?
would they express all that i wish
or expose the hurt that runs deep in my soul?
frustrated at my lack of total persuasion
i weep
desiring to know and believe without a moments lapse
i weep with eyes looking into mine bearing my pain
love abounds
in the darkest moments when hurt is all i feel
love abounds
when i remember the way it felt once
love abounds
i know, i trust, i forget, yet you remain
frustrated perhaps by a need that will always exist
everyday there is an offer, to come to this place
when these things connect tears form
crying out in a way that is deep and raw
you surround me in this place
expressing my heart in a way that only tears can
i weep
but your love always abounds

(a poem about the place i feel like God is bringing me through.  a place that is uncomfortable and challenges much of me and what i know, but desiring to engage this place to grow in my understanding of his unfailing love.  Praise Jesus for his continual grace in my life.  His patience in my small scope of understanding and his desire to bring me past this and into a place of restoration and deeper understanding.  A place where I can know his love more and live resting in this understanding.)

Friday, February 22, 2008


"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
matthew 5:3

I was recently on a solitude retreat and I read this verse. I have never before thought and weighed the words of Jesus in this passage. When i think and reflect on the word poor i think of dependency, great need, and recognition of that which cannot be provided in themselves. Blessed, Jesus says, are those that are poor in spirit. The poor in spirit are those that are desperate. Those that have searched the ways of their own heart and seen their great inability mend the wonunds. In their own Spirit they see their poverty. They are unable to satisfy their great need for Jesus. Recognizing their need to be rescued from their sin and destitute without the mercy and grace offered through Jesus Christ. They will receive the kingdom of God. Those that see their poverty and desperation for Jesus to come and make whole that which is broken and in need of much. It is necessary of me to see how desperate I am before our Savior- this is a posture of humility that God desires in his kingdom.

In the kingdom of God the greatest is:

"Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
matthew 18:4

"Whoever receives this child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. For he who is least among you all is the one who is great."
luke 9:48

"If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all."
mark 9:35

In my flesh I rebel against this idea of being in need. But it is through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ that the blind are made to see. This is a posture and an attitude that I desire to recognize constantly in my own life. In a culture where the least are overlooked it is an incredible idea to wrap my mind around that Jesus desire us to see our great need and poverty for a Savior and those that are last will be first. It is in this that we will grow into the love of God and our lives will be forever change because of this truth. I pray that God would constantly remind me of my need and praise him for the mercy that he has provided throught Jesus.

Friday, January 25, 2008


it seemed to happen as i was sitting there
her tears quickly replaced her words
every tear that fell echoed on the hallow earth
she is tired, frustrated, and without hope
she gave up everything for this life
this life and relationship that she thought would be different
it was all at once that her heart and her wounds were exposed
it was broken before me the pain was bare
unable to pretend the wounds were not there
i desired to speak and make it well
silence fell upon me
but what my heart felt is unspeakable
i saw her preciousness, her woundedness
her desire for hope
her questions wondering if life would ever be different
the pieces of her heart said it all
i found silence
knowing my words and offerings would not do
thinking of the restoration that she hopes for

Friday, January 4, 2008

kingdom eyes

Children wading in water that was running from the trash mountain in efforts to clean their treasures. Homes established with cardboard and the floor of the earth. Age 40 is all that is expected if life isn't stolen by disease or disaster first. Families trying to survive on that which they could spare from the mountain of garbage. No running water and no electricity. Squatting around the filth and waste in hopes of having a life that is better. Seeking freedom from this financially broken place to provide and survive as a family.

The beauty of the park is unspeakable. If you looked closely at night in the bushes you would find homes. Going to bed in fear of attack, flood, or being ticketed for being in this place. Waking up to every rat scurrying and branch snapping with fear gripping their hearts. Some sell, most buy, yet others live and breath in this place with no addiction to hide behind. Wondering where your next meal will come from or what to do when the big rain storm hits. This is the idea of ultimate "freedom" for many.

We're fenced in, gated around, and hiding in our homes. The scars and defects of this life are painted over. This is a dream for so many people to be protected by this place. Needs of people are easily tucked behind walls and shoved behind closed doors. You work hard, provide the best you can for your family, and live this life that is expected of you thinking that this is the only way. Things seem good and very ideal, yet the issues beneath the surface are undefined and ignored as if they don't exist.

These places seem so different at first glance. The lifestyles, issues, diseases, context, culture, and realities of these places are very unique. One thing that I was challenged with when I first came to this city (SF) was to see with eyes that were not my own. To see what Jesus sees on these streets and in the park and to have kingdom eyes. It is hard to remove the lens that have defined my eyes for so long but slowly God is stripping them from me and allowing me to see so much more then those things that I have listed and described. It is easy to see one place and claim that it is easier and more attractive to be in then another. Going from once place to another it is easy and I may be quick to judge that which is on the outside and seems to define a place. Whether I am in North Dakota, San Francisco, or the Philippines. I see my sin in this and I am praying that God would continue to bring me from this place and give me kingdom eyes. While I was back home for a couple of weeks I prayed that God would give me eyes to see beyond that which is on the surface. That he would give me eyes that gaze upon his kingdom and this world from that perspective. I think that themes are a good thing and I see a few that have come up this year thus far in my learning. One is needs. We all have them and many of them are different then the next persons, yet there is one that is true and consistent that dwells under the surface and the circumstances of the place we live in. The same struggles, addictions, pains, sorrows, joys, hurts, and fears can exist in all of these places that seem so different when we look from the outside. I love diversity and the adventure of discovering, being a part of, and experiencing a new place. However I feel like the more I think and process the places that I have been one thing is the same wherever I go. People need Jesus. We are all dealing with and working through pain and junk in our lives. We are all in need of a Savior that can redeem us from this place and ourselves. This need is played out differently in people's lives, but it is there and God desires to break through these places. I pray that God would continue to shape my heart and to refocus my eyes to see his hand in these places and to be attentive to his kingdom as he brings it more into focus in the places I live.